A Community for Case Teachers and Writers
I first learned about Case Method nine years ago, when I started working at Business Schools in Australia and New Zealand. Case Method is a teaching approach that uses decision-forcing cases to put business students in the role of people who were faced with difficult decisions at some point in the past.
I'm a big fan of Case Method. I truly believe that if managers can learn from their own experiences, then so should our business students. My commitment to the benefits of cases in the classroom eventually led me to the North American Case Research Association (NACRA)'s community of passionate case-writers and case teachers.

At the institutions where I work, like most other universities around the world, traditional approaches to teaching and learning were still most common (i.e. lecture-tutorial or lecture-seminar approaches).
At present, I design, coordinate and teach a very large, core undergraduate business course. In my busiest semester I've taught close to 1500 students; 400 is my smallest cohort so far. However, although teaching large courses has its challenges, I am grateful to have found a community of case teachers who are equally as passionate about their practice.
Thanks to NACRA, I have received advice and support from some of the best case teachers around, and exposure to people and opportunities I would not otherwise find.
Check out this video, where I describe my own experiences with the NACRA community as a case teacher and as a member of its Board of Directors.
It's easy to say good things about NACRA - a truly welcoming community of case writers and case teachers. I can't wait for the online-only #NACRA2020 conference in October!